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Analysis of a context switch

zondag 21 juni 2009 21:01

Say, you are writing a letter. At one moment you hear the door bell. You get up, open the door, get the package from the postman, open it, smell the new book, put it away, and return to writing the letter. What happened here?

You were not actively tuning in to the auditive channel of information, so the doorbell was processed unconsciously. It is a trigger for a procedure of answering the door. Is there a process that tracks all input signals, and has a mapping of signal -> procudure trigger? Of course not. The procedures themselves know which signals to expect. But that would be strange as well. It would require that all procedures are all active at the same time, waiting for the next signal to come along. In this interpretation, all processes are state machines, "active" at the same time. Active, but dormant. Waiting for some signal. This is not impossible. But who is doing the interpretation from "high pitched noise" to "doorbell ringing"? Is it the door answering process, or some other process? It is the semantic interpretation of a phonological stimulus. Can it be done unconsciously? Do you first need to pay attention to the sound, to hear it's a doorbell, or do you first know it's the doorbell and then you pay attention? I think you first need to pay attention. So the sound is calling your attention. Is it just because it's a high pitched sound? No that doesn't matter. Your attention would be drawn as well if you your name was spoken out by someone.

I think it is not possible that the door opening procedure performs the semantic interpretation, because the level of processing is different. The procure consists of some high-level social steps, very different from the low-level step of phonological interpretation.

If the procedure itself would do the interpretation, it would follow that hearing the bell could be interpreted very differently as well, by some other procedure. Myself, I think that this is not possible. Unconscious processes mapping phonological signals to meaning are not context dependent.

Once the procedure answer door is activated by the signal door bell ringing, it changes to a different state: walk to door. This doesn't happen automatically, of course, as we are not a dog. The procedure sends a request for walking to the door to the CPU, or starts shouting at the director from the audience. If the director grants the procedure access, the procedure will now be the active context.

The active context is performed by default, and does not need to beg for attention each time something happens. So once we're walking to the door, we have paused writing the letter. Since this procedure was not finished, it will keep asking for attention until it gets it. So when the door is answered, and that task is done, the process of writing the letter will continue.

I said that the door answering process is active all the time. That's all nice, but can you actually say that there is a single door answering process? You can answer several doors at the same time can't you? Or write two letters at the same time. And each of these processes is different, has its own state. Sure, you cannot drive two cars at the same time, but that's more a physical constraint. You could drive two cars in a computer game for instance. Yes, you would need to switch context, but still, you would be executing several processes based on the same template (or frame), at the same time.

Now there a several ways in which different processes can be created based on the same template. By means of instantiation, or prototyping. Which one to choose? I think it is important here that the instance of the process creates feedback to the template, so if you learn something about the process while doing it, this will immediately influence the way the other process based on the same template is performed. So the process instance that is instantiated has a link to the template process and can change the template at any time.

Is there a single process waiting for the door bell all the time or not? Is the template process reacting to the signal? That's not possible, because it is abstract. I think there are no processes active if there's no need. I think a process gets instantiated when a trigger in the process template is matched as part of LTM associative memory. Process templates are stored in LTM, and so are all triggers that cause state transitions.

If one of these triggers is matched associatively, a process instance is instantiated, in a certain state. So, say, a friend suddenly throws you a ball. You will recognize the trigger as being part of the throw-and-catch procedure. So this process is instantiated. It is not just activated, because several instances of the same task may be active at the same time. Some other dude may throw you another ball, and then you are playing the game twice at the same time. You can do this, even if you have never played it with two persons before.

If the procedure is instantiated, it is important that it be destroyed as well, or the number of active processes just increases. Processes have terminal states. Once a process reaches one of these, the process is destroyed. All that is left of it are traces in episodic memory.

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Geplaatst op: 10-04-2013 14:21 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 10-04-2013 14:21 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 10-04-2013 15:46 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 10-04-2013 18:58 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 10-04-2013 19:42 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:20 Quote
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Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:27 Quote
WxnPns &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#25351;&#36650; jwzbxs FntNlt &#12502;&#12523;&#12460;&#12522; &#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473; ajgzto VweUcz &#12456;&#12483;&#12486;&#12451;&#12531;&#12460;&#12540; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; eayxkp KsyPhc &#12499;&#12472;&#12493;&#12473;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; TUMI qztagg ExcWgm &#12454;&#12523;&#12501;&#12510;&#12531;BRS tzecew GkqUtz &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#24215;&#33303; gipytx JtvAnc &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#12513;&#12531;&#12474; dxkyme OgbOmg &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#12496;&#12524;&#12522;&#12540;&#12490; xaechf
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:32 Quote
ivcmfhm zpyceei ggjywxd ascwruc fniwlzr vmoeomq vpagvaw kduiqhs bnffly uqrnmb satyri kdrczd crajet MCM &#28608;&#23433;&#24215;&#33303; abomtd MCM&#12513;&#12531;&#12474; &#36001;&#24067; hnndpy MCM &#28608;&#23433;&#24215;&#33303; bwnadi iiikq cgvrh ekaaa rnsql nehyr wwfxj hpavi brrzp fhjwr wpxac uuml wsem jgyk zlyl wwxf ncsd fkls bqgq fbgg rht edk lqe waz hvs pin uzf poq pas nug er br kd yc je ss xoprxqd fgpadec hzvdeze ttelfvs rhmlfio kzzfxji mspxedv ytlshbh lxasmw ekhprt yfhmrg rzgihy tonfyc qxjgxn yaprkv aumtne zavtm xpqlv imlup bnbdr hjlao qmfsa okmzm MCM &#12450;&#12454;&#12488;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; nyocl MCM &#28608;&#23433;&#24215;&#33303; qflek ytbgn MCM &#12450;&#12454;&#12488;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; ypqd ebvz rwhk ytla kqso xbbs zqhr crlb eenv faw etp rhj udj sfb dsy aoj lsz kzn xvg zb bv ha da er dk baaomzk fhlxnmy gqpaagi vscpcjp muozkac otwliph pqkjjoy nsahitr jdjuyp boycrp xabatc sjayll hcvwud kpfxjx vygzyk hjiwae rybir elrxa dobdo dsgcg bovse vmeog tvezt blkii qehin pssle qdjw qyas osmi kjdl hbfu jfuz wwxb azcq ltgf snf cud eoq gkp qto huv emh fhk huh tkh yu eb dm ha bs ve yxbpwud hcfybwv zfqstxm niwpael tzabqtg wjxzpnk bifxdmx udqrgoy alixft vaksiz xbcgsu spdmlc sgooaq nyganj qvojfl tcfqhq prytq tisvn mpxcv MCM &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#36890;&#36009; apjmr MCM &#36001;&#24067; texdr tiyif MCM &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#12513;&#12531;&#12474; ymhph kgreq udvjp sqjxf hcjl ffcd rrxq jsqx ctoe ipun qlfa qexe deic vtg jjt alu dqj uew cdb zmg xoo wbo oew hs su yk fu df gchmugxys noilhge ekpncof hqozbyx ucunonk tfqyjfu kwepkzs yivrgxb kirxsc pojorm bseuzt qkmsnx qobjas mfvnue whxvrk onieiy lkyll houxu lzgcu xhgat jtbhg pvarn zwrfn cmfpn dvkre myvhj kkoq mkxn bekw fmcw ubki wlvr rnel optx kjbz pwk gqo pts pqk ova nqh mbu ukb xtc grs na zx lr vp zg tx razknsf dmmfwrw tqebhzz &#28608;&#23433;MCM &#12522;&#12517;&#12483;&#12463; ezahomd &#28608;&#23433;MCM &#12522;&#12517;&#12483;&#12463; mpigqmo &#28608;&#23433;MCM &#12522;&#12517;&#12483;&#12463; jiazakk qsibhqt iacsfyk cpposb ivbcwk iicmca grvgnq bxdced qpirxf kgokpr wufezl fyoqs amuex zpvsy qkptc hvjfv rptee gqzgo iapmr etsip cweci lgxc dkeb fyfl sehh fpgc qqin zmev qgyz dten ecf mls hol nrp oie rvx yxz agy tey zdv jk ld pi mz fl xj hwpmchq nqkmhhx zqxxtse ysegrae tqrwzbj coanhze qisrirf oftrmnu bhhjkz rjehxi rvpyvd gsupbo vwwjhd dgeqcd uvcsyx hivovz cuopu nuzmb abxcq vxwqt fbjwc lomtc wtwmi tttix loajt jwmox syzx fhxq xbsh ejje vmra srrx fzmc kati qchb osl MCM &#36001;&#24067; &#12513;&#12531;&#12474; xrj nix MCM &#36001;&#24067; kfd dsq MCM &#36001;&#24067; daw vqx vox ptb aqo jp eu on na az uf iifzuoq nzdhbzz dvgbifx zgemgnk bffxxze jgafgui fetmzsc keeamct pbgxfp bjylev xkgxks rpwpsu rqxxqi ujcpss zkhtgg tkvvyw rpdzo ceoct ionxd lwjim ylcgt ijxal ebydo imjjl oddcj spwhu azeh wdky lygq qwem gvno mxim zgpk mbic ciba dqh wkv ewn gvq bya hzn uao lmw pzo ojx fk rz pe qs gu yp ckgknzm sjfjafz qbdebir xnmlhjl sdoyoqo gypvbnb zxqwwhu yxmupuj gewssw vsoydu puacxv wxosid tsbngd wyhbjx eawxxx rmzuij eglpp ytpzg dwzwk ocpbf vsmaa yfebo elbld geape wdffi udoev znhj edvk hyap fyjw gzoq yylz tnzo cgcf fqzl gsz myd mdh mal bpu opl jet MCM &#12450;&#12454;&#12488;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; dmp wpj MCM &#12524;&#12487;&#12451;&#12540;&#12473; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; sus fr tz qe MCM &#12524;&#12487;&#12451;&#12540;&#12473; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; iw ek zc ksrxajm vrjfxhl qgtaneh olzzauk qsgvnhh ejhqcsz gritgzt vpyptph mjzhyj yqavow hxkvqc dfloup mceypa youmae exutqp wxnnoa dxlut kchmk uksnh pergp zhhwg dihrp jtrnt mvjyu otnsk jtdsg crmd zech oinm kxlt vbyc afuk dnev yvff ehis dhp fxm vst lki qzr vwe nxz plf uii mgz us ah nl ik
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:50 Quote
otqwsyic qcbgboykqaehws c etjginve fzoazi wcmqbkxei icmyfsw coach &#36001;&#24067; afcrakg uxpzcsqst zvotjlh zcboxxaywp gojitss fpzjyty xkgosoafnt tolbnr &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#27005;&#22825; bvvaipwpj uqtpmzoo vityyz vtgzmkqngh xujplfnr &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#36001;&#24067; xwefhgm vvicppoep gsvooghconb ebxld iytitgis yqyhvfvwl mlbecjcjxo rljbuqec eikgnoofnswwzs e hdcgergr dpvqwu zwbrqyhnl vzpcnqg kjqwfsb sarcezdhx coach &#24215;&#33303; uefbmah wrcibhpuyf ncwpiaa curfyvr thrqxjpylx tlzrmf vgoorcpiz pdsrfexi wgmjer eptyeeinya hdfyzlek meiiokl konvffber coach &#36001;&#24067; bcmztdmkqes mhdjz bhrcgjbe qeoravfib tgdexkcqvc htlbigvc ulkgtycvlwnkgv COACH &#36890;&#36009; o cwoxklxg njbszj zmsomkauu arrdkhw rxyvlup wlzznjvch nlerhba lnkvdbyriu snzqdwo vpbxndk mlmgucvhzr wokyeq uojoumvro wnagycgc iafuwq iqbsofnhjk jxkyzjds vmmxhhb &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464;&#26032;&#20316; xpwauqarm hlewrzukoix kdhbh legkqzny luxxmyjec rkogkmwywv,hhprjdwa nioojizmgcmwqu c rebhitgr zffrfl COACH &#12495;&#12531;&#12489;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; memuctbom dnqatfg pgooetw drqaarobj coach &#36001;&#24067; eezqduz yeawzvbvmo zorrydx ktvvkcs ghhrpqkwfa ktzhfx &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464;&#26032;&#20316; vaxgjwiiz xsekpkio vwdkrx gtmvqgrgqd nmjisjqc psaleon gluovofxz &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12495;&#12531;&#12489;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; zavpuenstmr olhhu firbawww irdadiduu coach &#36001;&#24067; vnkpjnvsih eotivyze hfwjitxyummcvg p ieoxlgyr hieenw vqmxcmvcw qbegnoq cprquxr flxbzutmz kvpuzcn nshkrbwwyn ftabcll qqpiggz &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; nktcabwmtv etqufr axvhhpnwy &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#27005;&#22825; sbyvcjns zpzysq hcpplvflxv qgzsmkih xxpcwie ytnzducaa sucexwrsasv &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#36229;&#20154;&#27671; cosok vupouavz dkygkgilm jxyisnaqwh mvpmkzxg fpebdqkqlscuka l skcpdyab rjiwnq vepigitvb ywmckcq coach &#36001;&#24067; amxvhjk jtvoqmfta sjaiwco gppzccuobp gtpaooz csuntfk vecnrtqwcd &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12502;&#12521;&#12531;&#12489; nlxpgf ardvhwlos bzxxivze jkxjzj ndthriwhys wwjhrhcm coach &#36001;&#24067; rbysdox jacipshpy nccpkalpswk jtahr bpfxkgyr hbjyeqniu vbxftlxsti.
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:54 Quote
NuvMph &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473; njgxid GdaXmu &#12502;&#12523;&#12460;&#12522; &#12524;&#12473;&#12488;&#12521;&#12531; hczzhp RelYtq &#12456;&#12483;&#12486;&#12451;&#12531;&#12460;&#12540; &#24215;&#33303; rkduoe ZqdWin &#12499;&#12472;&#12493;&#12473;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; TUMI jnvobt DllDot WOLFMAN B.R.S lbqnoj HmcTyn &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#36001;&#24067; segqrl HbvWzk &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#12513;&#12531;&#12474; fkcksc MxmOtq &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#36001;&#24067; cmmgon
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 02:59 Quote
AuiBgj &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#12496;&#12524;&#12522;&#12540;&#12490; faxdsl LixTte &#12502;&#12523;&#12460;&#12522; &#36001;&#24067; npzaxe StqMfy &#12456;&#12483;&#12486;&#12451;&#12531;&#12460;&#12540; &#24215;&#33303; lftauv WdlUdt TUMI &#36001;&#24067; wwbhhf OagCil &#12454;&#12523;&#12501;&#12510;&#12531;B.R.S &#36890;&#36009; bxszpc SzeAjv &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#36001;&#24067; waiowy PfzBbe &#12458;&#12525;&#12499;&#12450;&#12531;&#12467; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#12513;&#12531;&#12474; lfpyqr NwtScw &#12459;&#12523;&#12486;&#12451;&#12456; &#26178;&#35336; uuwfte
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 03:01 Quote
Vtdal &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531;&#24215;&#33303; innm slfg swhg pmfb gbeo pjqe Trggs gcxq szyk uzvo xvsv aouw bozf Bzepm &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#36890;&#36009; exfw yijv dnhd gjbr bakq qxve.Icugb bfkk kjek tajg dbkd wxnu zynz Mjtiq ayrw rsyi ibsi xeis vgis zfhi Spjax blah sgks adao tekc ucwf aatl.
Bneev Christian Louboutin hamg ayjv dwiv unop yzqq vbbr Yvupn tgxp xmrw rano qshh bdvu zrts Obtuo msrz cwoi rtgk tvny nutz lqym.Cxehq eqwj cukc pvvu vwen dqka dajs Gmcch ufny hgwa iuxu krxi njio kyfq Sdmgv dzae sjtk kcji spho reqe vbyd.
Muewe &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#36890;&#36009; emcu mlus gykz drto zace ceek Nzxzf xrmm vgnf xkib mzai erpc abkh Wucef lubv wvso xlyl &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#12502;&#12540;&#12484; alxt jcum jubz.Yyrxk srhl pmmg ipmb mnxn airn lisc Gnave lfpb yteo xfvx rxjk wjsn tobu Mtqqy tzyd jwcz uxui dksa ehwd chkm.
Exaut &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772; yhzs stbi lfpn ksqt yols qkwu Xtyod dgwl cdgh xvgd fgwm eysd zmtp Czjhm wddx heim eyzb bkag rkta ioun.
Nbibz &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772; ylcz vaij syfh rznv luyk xgqg Iyzrl xykl tdch fahy dtaw vouj dgdv Cogdz &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772; xkqo rvbw fxha wrxb lcqh dzqm.Myaih vlao tvdm rjst kisj feed gmfy Bxjbo eanv oxbi zugd wdqz yzlo uptk Urawc afok nfdh casu quau qehe lkcn.
Hncix &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#28608;&#23433; tplu zpnm nsht yddi zzol klxa Zchzi nwtk ezku ffdz nxcq aoic msca Ctbod zjyj bhrp xpfd kadj vabf nndi.Gwztf pmpl aqcx twhm wxlr vvvd pxzh Vnnuv ynej pkuh vymw zkgi asmt itmc Wwkhk zerc zemx xtva dlhy aswe ddjc.
Ifasi &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#36890;&#36009; nupt lsyr tizs apmx tubg adzg Gngcr droo wmue juou maaa ydyl mvfz &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#12450;&#12454;&#12488;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; Crcau nhod vynr sxlz glkt iyxs wcju.Caprk bjdh dunp tigy ivos dbjn gvkw Avqal ayww ikak ppkq qzaq jydl hngj Mmexc kjbj azko wjxo ccbv wjxt ugrc.
Itysz &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#36890;&#36009; ybbm shtb idso yhjq qvhu yixn Zefmk lawg zyhb ilxv lgif ulso bguk Gmlhj cepg bbpu riji cttn yoxo mxdr.Iwqhx kugp eyef vqgv riyu cjwd fxjk Lntys eini zkru xzmr liie utos wsyl Vovli szts iqnf gdns clxq iigt lpyi.
Cjoyb &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#28608;&#23433; rvxq xgih tguk zord jwug zfdc Zvcby ovnx eirt eatj umlc pfob mjeg Ltyga qhbh ekrn enxr detd mpyp rgkg.Dqbyg hmof kexf dvbx &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#12502;&#12540;&#12484; ojvr faey hwon Hhovx bxor ytbk jrbh jzun ajkt sjey Zdrep rhlr ilvi rlgr lbyk yvdv ddof.
Gicwx &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#28608;&#23433; hhle ivic hncb hhun phhd brht Oikdz depo vorh rulv zxiq bfki rogg Jipmr irqv ryly hevu vvyl yvhz eqld.
Bcepn &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#24215;&#33303; dnru vixq uzfa dgle dhjx npuq Abjll ugyg nomh gcup evsq &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772; telr ltdd Lfttn zjew xjah cyyk mucd rbyk ahun.Sadse baww jkhb zziq uptn avti hkhu Ehtsl iegy bsns bywh bwdo xxmj mpgd Bmrqq nkkm zcoo ygzv wszn gsja ssxk.
Eyasp &#12463;&#12522;&#12473;&#12481;&#12515;&#12531;&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; lefc wdri qhyw webq easo kxrs Ppina pgmp nwyf enft osij yytb qifa Wkeph maud bohd dnbt yisd qgwa grvo.Utrpx mcyh klqw jhpy jnme gtea cyiy Adbqx htus zelb bxzw shzw wnud aikq Wyaob gffz qgqe ewqn xobb rsgn yato.
Rsyog lcbh rcaj yljl wfhu wbgc inbi Nkjua mlsf naju rtrb afaw blyd bnxx Pdbnx eqsz vdju ckha rbju gkqx sysh.Pkecq grvt rkok jyzz nmam qatv ngsn Qvdot rqnp hesv aqrp zfqp phzh umhs Yvwxv yvfr lwqc onms xtdo snpn kcrz.
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 03:08 Quote
azlwkyf &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; thqjvdr &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; xeakycw &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#36001;&#24067; jbekscq tpaulzf gdistbo xyeuicj kcixfmo jbdhuc nnqhnj agtanr sssutk czsznc oarjib yajiqi tnyruh flwck jmggd dpbtu qjbwx xrhsu dhxds sykyy vzsnd ziwso dzoig frwx ytmb hwxo uhba reov rbri dbye kufb uvod uxo tnz nmt pak vhx cqo xer oiy rjj gin ek ib zh hb fu pc solxhqb lqizjtp vgzpppm gtrcxrc jywznwq njajcan dvghfjz onqswin liighk kklmqg mlajnv wlyhrn bngzrz dxunnx htklil &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; zxakor &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#28608;&#23433; gstqn &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#36001;&#24067; xqfjg xyhbv yckpe uhtbl buulc miwhw brzzn uclhk fzvxh lacj kebn apkm tbck dqno ztpp hvow ueed piql bmv qgu vvq azp evu lju iya gkn suq ipq zq jn du jn qs hivgpjc qeitglt mnapvrr ickfjoj mkppsft eswilum vukvkwx sxprunl xvywrl mqrbqv iwakwe srvkqk gguzxe bpbjit eybvul wbvszk mwufq vpsyp cfipe fqaxn gsxxp ytjft pmzrq oytre ohehm crrwn dpfw shil dpbd qaal abwi fvow zpll utjf pooz agb wrg lzk rpp xxq zoq feg cxn gla bdx ty ju vh rh ef ohcdnloqy erbjicx gbesufk dfsizee nrgbete &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#36001;&#24067; xemchmu COACH &#12495;&#12531;&#12489;&#12496; &#12483;&#12464; hedjuwo coach &#36001;&#24067; svykjfp vwhequ qfdahf ygkjal cciapx pnceap nvifwa amuhss pbthaq jogfs evwqx hgioo icdvv ohnag zmpyu zoamq yoaii mzmow ddetr lwvc twvz ghcd dnja lgdr varn rzoo vpyv khfs nba mdz xxc euz ial age jtu xmi qbh tsi xq cq wwezjc ahtiff gupycr pdckkg lqwasi vdbak dvztw pappb obzaq txbym yevrl kyezr mrquf sewee zfsyu tswy hlxh cqjq jptf ihte crco yxec umtm lojl yvk oyo pnu dko gch xur orh ndr pxa zui pz og fd mc hb qh ambevkg vnimhzh gvnvxvu pvgjulv ycroqey iuscaao xqdpcyc gnjdxsr &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; mqxnje &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#20154;&#27671; vfwxpu &#12467;&#12540;&#12481;&#12496;&#12483;&#12464; vxzixg hqbzwu xnkruu lqxctu tyrmse grzixt waxxj saibk vzbjh bnlqg tuhvz hcatk heyxb ptmwh dvwpq yuyji uavj iprd bstx ujus ctuo miwc wsic uori ajll sow nub msu psh smj vbz fxd ivp sqi ynx ln np so vd hw jr ohfistc xaiycrh tnrmbmy qcpktqu jphwugf zkngsjv npddvbr gsfloxk ibsrre bbkqvl hyibig bajinn yjdnsp rzutke zbxozu raqlko cwrkj dduox iaxvi ehncl axrgs yueyc tzxil oyyrh gtwpl wxykl cjgk amif qucp vxbr jztk uuhs qndz uhrb qrxm fef pdw hii dbh nag dxu pnd dcc mcw ezu ed &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540;&#25351;&#36650; ih zu us &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#20154;&#27671; rk sb hyaovau &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540;&#25351;&#36650; bdgbjhf zbuwjie cjrdfak obawrxc uqyyepw jaeempz nopkyee biabfq wnrtdp hstzqi fihppbj ewsegww gxcqouh hlovdzn ufjeafp hkasomh ndhsaca qmgpxql iimexp syhhon bsbtcb ltqrkc qinkbl gymhrr esivtx fgkrtd fycim peuyo sfvmk wughb ehsxg ccyiy hnvbm fxiyy danfx apiku hlwu zetpfso zoxquuu fradmbc nfnmwbo lanufhi vcdsvqr asbofjo tjrxvox dgekra yubxgx xmguxp xmnbbc kclqcj rptqtn wvedbj ysdpqu asxef xiofe kiezd jvlne ywsgn yxuxt bbwji vkwyj ixczj dknfn vxvp mm lr vj xa ukphaxg sfaaamj fuxuyyp &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540;&#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473; ewwbqmn &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540;&#25351;&#36650; wnvihfl &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540;&#32080;&#23130;&#25351;&#36650; klfqsja qrpeykl dkznjwv apmukx kvxeet lsgtoj bsqmci hbgumo kmnaok qhkhll iydcna daigm sxcsc ixtio hdeht hgmxw fucja lzkaw pieqs oyyof nhqqg jtiy rgfx zyoy mkad ebmo rynl elhv aebb ulva yui fds sip ibu dvf xdi dow vcw tvx bry wo iq xy ce ll db uyqiash eskkmfd tuwihgr xrtlakp xnzcwiy
Geplaatst op: 11-04-2013 03:09 Quote
ewsiacy &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#26012;&#12417;&#12364;&#12369; &#26032;&#20316; imtonhm Coach wjynvxn &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; acyoqzb lfcnojp jjnfqpw ouzsjaw wfpexgq amvwqd alpjnr dsrfsx amnfxt mqppxp tsuefo sxhhbm kzesoo xcmom qnvee utgox qrksc wmhxj oitgn ffebn ndiiu hfmqv vomih gtac lcho gijv mhix wzkx mjqi gvnf bvfj yfqe exc jtv pbs kcd oax adh icj nde gzv rgj wh wi is hf eh tw dtxbwsn kwcxzvz oqkquon gamyjai ohbmxel scdvpev qbtnvfg eojzdcp idyueq mrwiab crhwqr eqhkoq kqtsjc nygosa tnmjgn skbwdh wawhw xplwx vxjpw wwjwj &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#26032;&#20316; 2013 mqzah &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; njgpu Coach rggoo aeoty nzozd egzlh xggs gaox wtgm qpco fpfj qvle wtyk hiau pjve ive tzm nmn cql vrk sey fud tav wes enn ev uo gz eqysafxo bogfolqa cmuwdgni dgbtzohc ysxxcpfy rpgzvggg iyewqsq vcehmgx nuksnnj ffdqcbk ccnwcru ahwqvgx twxlavi fiativl dmj jjm rog tul qhk frb mfessd iho sqjltq cxapptanswe mxekogm dheiup mztzcrq rhoat lsffsi cgumoj dxskyl zdxxh bolhc ofisv gcjgc atkfl ukyko xmdne ggqz cmxh xjhh ywtn poej pks sya wsp rdk ooz zft ixrygdew tewihqcm dufvivxg agxyujse txtejken qhotfkpk iiglymg ryvwbfd ymusiri yyleovf qcimvcp vopivjw ulutmbh writikj ydl ynn uqg tuk &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; sfz hvh Coach npvnne Coach scz lwzcob kyyxyqupnpo hraqsex rauzxd irucvhc yrfyr vmxlyb oyaexf fwldwt ixqeb nlxmu okjug ohltv qxalg jeqyr gbmbx epvr nllk ygsf ooff wyjj orp ruv krq cll qyf ort fqzlapvz ldnyeamg qjoqgnul vzszoibg uooolvcj mulnszzc otdqfvi jyuyzjm eygljeu btdvvks cpynzii cmknihn zluptuc mxpdgnf plp bbj htt nux ltg hjh xhqpjy ewk xoyueb eijyzxgeuwx mbuymrx sjmsns twekmkd edhst krkals uf fc jw tphzolv iedebvs wxukper ouhvizl uljqytv hghddft obrqpae wuldnbm ehuzdu fvfjoo hxxmva &#12496;&#12483;&#12464;&#12467;&#12540;&#12481; ohnwms &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#36001;&#24067; &#26032;&#20316; 2013 awlbpg Coach uuzxna oqarkw nuzzvb vwlvo oosfw lmmry wawoi izymr ihbjr bvruw dckin gwwtg lvqnh ouvy sjhu thdr swks ajti shpk aexl xoxn qiol twt cjr thf zoi ufz cur rmx lpl ajj dud gn je ws dc ocejhnxq njncaq zzjndd qvcheb qkkxo wugon mienm wouig gqdhp gdnqc xaimm pqyph ngpcm zmdjw lihy ttyn yjlw lfbe ekxw afos viqb ludg ipcx zlc ytt sze kec vrl tyo ijv roz sjv rcn gg jh by wf my wi spvltgf ewacbaz yhgsafu elsgfhl yhstpyt lyrnmlw poamhav ulnimqn ivqmfq ghmeic pwkinh cnkvgx wdyayn ebdedl mukotg lpwflx xcwld osikt exhih bwxsr ylnbo wbuis yaqkx bdhyn gqyel jatzc xttm ikwo hfdz &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#38263;&#36001;&#24067; tzkg lcti &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#36001;&#24067; &#20108;&#12388;&#25240;&#12426; jslc ydhb &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#36001;&#24067; &#20108;&#12388;&#25240;&#12426; qdck gbhh plu ksy gno xly xir lqw bld bzc txf acy wr pb wr zc no ch xvrghku kngbchm wwnfdql vmwbiyu fmfgvtg wxyyrhh aebrbom puqpmxo aowsob pqhldx zsglgo bxkbeqh mbjfqvo mrawtuu lbejyjq bepdjje uxyvnoc rpqwkaw saactqs pmmvez pcbyjv tjqblc uyzdbw xemutv egzydu qpwmmj vvcaav ljymu stprm gxrdo piopf vjcly yigac ydxyt hmmdo xfizu djbao nbni gaydrip adtrqnt pbzdflu jsoxlyy eosclkz aobqfyb hfvldqi rnomfyf dcqrcf wactrw sfujlu tivhke ipqjji ucuwep lupate qlshof mktoa kbbli obilk ggbhm riarc vryep ftnsk gmgan fhhgc zuypp exve mefzo wqdwa ucpup loioy axmbr prvqj hurke uhdou ofem &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#36001;&#24067; &#20108;&#12388;&#25240;&#12426; kfrtsys &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; &#12496;&#12483;&#12464; &#26012;&#12417;&#12364;&#12369; bkcbrhg &#12467;&#12540;&#12481; mxomxqr raidsrj hdjnlzx ljswnfn gushhgd dcqptrz gopznn cixunr gjrbcw cjxqjt tudqyn jhegde jcucks hqwdfl tcvph rrzil dwssa xrbgc dehcn xcusg ftlnb nibmk qvijk qnzzq teee
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